Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I only wish...

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I only wish school was out! 

I am so jealous of my friends whoteach in areas that don't have school after the long Memorial weekend.  I don't finish until  June 7th.  So....far....away....

On a happier note...Casey at the Bat was lots of fun this morning and I enjoyed teasing my principal.  He was a pretty good sport about the whole thing.

Can you believe that he had never read Casey at the Bat?  So, he was a little surprised when he struck out.  lol!

After the whole thing was over, my kids wrote him thank you letters.  They were great, except for the one little girl who wrote... "I'm sorry Ms. Brown made fun of you."

I told my principal that kid was going to be getting a bad grade.  lol!

Now, I've got to get some more sleep because we're heading to the Science Museum in about nine hours.  Should be  fun!

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