Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I hate being a grown up!

Download word art here

I had a tough decision to make today and I made it.  I'm pretty sure that for me, right now, it was the right decidsion to make but I'm still pretty bummed.


  1. ABSOLUTELY true!!!! WHo would have imagined.

  2. As I am about to celebrate (and I use the term lightly) my 56th birthday, I can truly appreciate today's word art! Thank you :D

  3. This is so true....thanks..and I am so sorry you are bummed right now..hugs....

  4. I hope whatever it was turns out okay. Thank you for the sentiment. Edwina Brown

  5. I'm sorry you had such a tough decision to make. I hope it will be fine. Thank you for sharing with us even when you are bummed..that's generosity!

  6. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to make the tough decisions. Hope it does turn out to be the right one. Thanks for the word art - I'm at that age I can really appreciate it. Sorry I haven't been to visit lately - will have to read back through recent posts and catch up. Hugs from NZ - Suze

  7. Sorry you are bummed, growing up is not easy. My daughter is coming to me now asking me why she had to grow up, so know you are not alone. Hope it gets better (no more being bummed)

  8. Thanks sooo much for this great words here, and I can only agree, it´s never easy to grow up. I hope things looks a lot better and easier today hun. Take good care of you too.

  9. This is a great sentiment. Thanks for sharing and I hope things work out!

  10. Tough decisions are the pits, especially when you are bummed after making it.

    Thank you for the word art.
