Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I love summer!

Download word art here

So, Friday night Lonely Girl and I hung out in this tiny little tourist area south of Miami called Cauley Square listening to a band that played classic rock music.  Lonely Girl was in rare form and somehow managed to convince the band that it was her birthday and got them to play a special song for her and then continue to give her shout outs for the rest of the night.  It was so much fun! 

On Saturday, I went to a local car museum with my photography group.  It was awesome!  Hopefully, I got some great shots.  Sadly, I haven't even looked at them yet.  lol!  I still haven't found the time to check out my photos from the tattoo convention yet either.  It's summer and I'm not sure where all my time is going, but it sure is going fast.

Sunday was all about Orange Croc Guy.  He held me hostage for most of the day doing Orange Croc Guy kind of things and reminding me that I still owe him a homecooked dinner.  He has no idea that the oven is fixed and in great working order and I have no plans to tell him anytime soon.

OCG will be heading to New Jersey next week and will be gone until sometime in August.  I wonder if he'll still believe the oven is broken in August?  lol!

The highlight of my Monday was running to the Post Office to mail a package.  Seriously!  I woke up around 9:30 grabbed some breakfast and headed out to run my errands.  I was back home in just a couple of hours and I'm not sure what happened to the rest of the day cause when I looked at the clock it was suddenly 9:30 PM and I was starting to think about going to bed again.  lol!

Life on summer vacation is good!


  1. LOL! I really enjoy your word art. Makes me smile! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I have the perfect picture of my granddaughter for this! Thank you.
