Sunday, June 9, 2013

I'm doing it again!

Download word art here

I realized today that I haven't participated in NaNoWriMo since the summer of 2011.  Actually, I think I've made one attempt since then but wasn't happy with the story and didn't make the word count.

Well, July is Camp NaNoWriMo month.  July is going to be a very busy month for me, but I'm going for it anyway!

So, help me out....give me names for characters...your name, your friend's name, your child's name, a weird name, any name ..

Oh, and wish me luck!


  1. not sure what the contest is but throwing some names out for fun. . .
    Galen (male)
    Blair (male)

    Thanks for the wordart

  2. Good words Ginger!
    About names, yours is lovely indeed!
    Thank you for this gift! :)

    I don't know what NaNoWriMo is, but...
    I've got some french names, if you want...
    Géromine (female)
    Marie-Camille (female)
    Adrienne (female)
    Augustine (female)
    Isidore (male)
    Maxime (male)
    Jean-Charles (male)
    Damien (male)
    Mine is Sim. :)

  3. What about my cat?
    Epinau les Volves

    She a female but the name is a village in France.

    Best of luck with all of this.
