Thursday, June 13, 2013

Six month check up

Download word art here

Remember awhile back when my body decided to betray me and i had to go for the "procedures"?  Well, it's been six months.  I'm typing this right before I go to bed and when I wake up I get to go in for the six month check up.  I know it won't be's the waiting for the test results afterwards that get you.  lol!

Seriously,  I could use some good thoughts and prayers if you have any to spare.


  1. Just got this 6.13, the day of your follow up. I hope you got a good report from the dr. Sending good thoughts and praying for your health and well-being. :)

  2. Forgot to say that the WordArt today is major good. I've known many people through the yrs that this thought would ring true to-in relationships with parents, siblings, significant others,etc. Thx. :)

  3. Praying for Peace and patience ;-)Oh, and clear results!

  4. Love the wordart - thanks Ginger! Lots of prayers sent your way!

  5. I hope all went well for you. Let us know!

    Thanks for this wonderful image and all the other great ones also!
