Wednesday, July 31, 2013

End of July...

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I guess I should have something fun planned for the last day of July, but I'll probably just spend the whole day in pajamas.


That is my idea of fun! Lol!

Hope you're going to enjoy your day as much as I plan to enjoy mine.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Good day!

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Well, after spending Most of Saturday with someone that was a total bummer (and kind of a bully) this morning I got a much needed shot of confidence!  I love it when that happens!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Everglades photos

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So, I spent most of Saturday around someone that made my day very horribly long and I don't plan on EVER doing that again!  Life is just too short and there isn't nearly enough ice cream.

Anyway, I thought I would share some photos of my latest day trip into the Everglades...

You know, when I took that very first photography class I carried my camera with me everywhere.  I really need to start doing again...

Sunday, July 28, 2013


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***Come back tomorrow for the "her" version of this word art***

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Well, Hello Strangers!

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Ok, so, it's been a minute since I chcecked in here and I'm glad that not only are you still stopping by everyday, but you're leaving comments and sending emails to make sure I'm still alive.  You guys are the best!

I've just been enjoying my summer!  I'm home now and plan to stay here until school starts which is all too soon.  I know it's soon, because last night I had my first official "back to school" nightmare of the season.

I"ll fill you in slowly on everything I've been up to, but right now I want to share an amazing project that Ellen of Scraps and More made using the quotes she found here on my blog. 

Her daughter turned 21 recently and she made her a book with 21 quotes.  It's beautiful!  It's amazing!  I want it!!!!!

I totally tried to steal pictures off of her blog to show you, but I wasn't allowed to do that.  Stupid internet inteferring with my life of crime again.  lol!

PLEASE, PLEASE go to her blog and check it out!  I promise you won't be sorry!  It's a wonderful gift idea for someone turning 21 or 18 or 25 or.....well, any age really!

And, if anyone wants to make one for me, I'll be happy to give you my address!  (hint, hint!)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July already?!

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So, I realized about three hours ago that it was July and I hadn't written one single word for Camp NaNoWriMo. 
UGH!!!!  I really wanted to do it too. 

What are the chances that I can start tomorrow and get 50,000 words finished by the end of the month?

Pretty slim!!

I'll decide how I feel when I wake up if I want to give it a shot or just wait until November.