Saturday, July 27, 2013

Well, Hello Strangers!

Download word art here

Ok, so, it's been a minute since I chcecked in here and I'm glad that not only are you still stopping by everyday, but you're leaving comments and sending emails to make sure I'm still alive.  You guys are the best!

I've just been enjoying my summer!  I'm home now and plan to stay here until school starts which is all too soon.  I know it's soon, because last night I had my first official "back to school" nightmare of the season.

I"ll fill you in slowly on everything I've been up to, but right now I want to share an amazing project that Ellen of Scraps and More made using the quotes she found here on my blog. 

Her daughter turned 21 recently and she made her a book with 21 quotes.  It's beautiful!  It's amazing!  I want it!!!!!

I totally tried to steal pictures off of her blog to show you, but I wasn't allowed to do that.  Stupid internet inteferring with my life of crime again.  lol!

PLEASE, PLEASE go to her blog and check it out!  I promise you won't be sorry!  It's a wonderful gift idea for someone turning 21 or 18 or 25 or.....well, any age really!

And, if anyone wants to make one for me, I'll be happy to give you my address!  (hint, hint!)


  1. Wow!! That truly is one amazing album! You must be thrilled to see your wordart displayed so beautifully. Thank you for sharing the link but also for all the great wordart you provide. Both have given me inspiration to do something myself. :)
    Enjoy the rest of the summer, school will start all too soon. :)
    p.s. I'm an email follower and forget to come to your blog personally so my apologies for that.

  2. Wow Ginger, I was pleasently surprised to read your blog. Very kind of you to link to my blog! (I've linked your too ;-)) All credits belongs to you, your quotes are fabulous!
    I'm sure you can make something beautiful with your quotes yourself LOL
    Hugs Ellen

  3. Awesome book--I want one, too! Put me down for one also, just in case anyone is feeling REAL generous!!!
    Speaking of which--I appreciate all the free quotes you give us, and I really love the way you name them--just the date. Thank you so much!
    So how's the weather down there? I bet you are COOKING!!! Up in the Tampa area it is SPICY hot!!! Where on this planet is there good weather this summer???!!!

  4. Love the book. will have to try & make one for my Sister & BFF. It is so awesome. Thank you for all your word art. A lot of it really hits home!!!


    Wishing You Butterfly Mornings
    And Wildflower Afternoon......

  5. Another great one...thank you so much!!!

  6. LOVE this! Will probably use it for my anniversary. xxD
