Saturday, August 3, 2013

Tax free shopping day 1

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Friday was the first day of our tax free back to school shopping weekend and I saved $289.61.  Aren't I a good little saver?

Just don't ask how much I spent! LOL!


  1. Tax free to school shopping?!? I wish! That's actually really cool. Congrats on saving so much. hehehehehehe...............
    Thanks for the WA!

  2. Wow! What a savings! Great job :) Be sure to drop by my blog today - gave you a nice shout-out! Thanks!

  3. I bet you spent in the vicinity of $4100...down in your area, I'm guessing the sales tax is about 7%... good for you!!! I would LOVE to spend that kind of money...I think I would need a week to do it, though--unless I was buying a laptop...then I could do it in one day. You must be beaming that you saved almost $300!! You inspire me--maybe I should go shopping today--it's the last day, right? I'm surprised our "CEO Governor" agreed to it--he must have had some interest in it all--maybe owns a dozen or so shopping malls???!!!
