Sunday, October 6, 2013

Random acts of kindness...

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I was out and about today running errands when I stopped at Target to pick up a couple of things.  My order totaled $18.95.  I paid using a Target gift card I've been carrying around for a couple months.

After I was finished, I turned to the lady that was in line behind me held out the gift card and said, "I think there's a dollar left on this card and it's yours if you want it."  You would not believe the reaction I got from her or the cashier! You would have thought I handed over a million dollars.  They were both so surprised and happy by what I had done.

I walked away smiling and yet still thinking, " Really, people, it was just a dollar!"

Have we become such a self centered society that the gift of a dollar deserves such a surprised response?  It's pretty sad if we have!

So, go there and hand someone in line behind you a dollar or whatever is left on that gift card you keep forgetting to use and make their day.  Their reaction is guaranteed to make yours too.


  1. aww that is so nice. the little things really make people's days.EE

  2. That is pure awesomeness! Love paying it forward! :-)))

  3. So cool. I did that a few weeks back at Kohl's. I had $30 in Kohls cash and couldn't find what I was looking for. As I was headed out the door, I saw a mother buying a pile of clothes for her two teenage boys. I walked over to her, handed her the coupons and told her to enjoy. She and her boys were speechless but I could tell they were touched. Made me feel good for days.

  4. Neat word art. It is true that RAKs are good for the soul and make people think. I was out late one night and stopped at McDonald's at about 2 a.m. There was only one guy at the drive up ahead of me. I could see him in his mirror and he was a cutie. When I got to the window the girl said I could pull to the next (pick up) window cause the guy in the truck paid for my order. I smiled real big and asked her 'Did he leave his phone # for me?' She was shocked and mustered a "Ahhh, no but maybe he should have.' I thought about that guy and the kind thing he did for me, for days. And ... I found myself doing some "extra" things for people, too. Like giving an extra 40% off coupon to a guy at Micheal's Crafts. :)

  5. Thank you for the word art. Isn't it amazing how the smallest thing can surprise people. If I can make eye contact with someone, I'll smile. The reaction is always interesting. Some are surprised, some wonder if they know me and others smile back. How hard is it to smile?
