Sunday, November 10, 2013

What is going on?

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I seriously think someone forgot to send the universe a memo about it being Me-vember!

First I get a stupid $37 ticket and now I've got a sinus infection.

I tried telling the doctor that I thought I had been poisoned.  You see, I was feeling great and then I walked past a house that was tented for termites.  It had the "warning poison" signs posted everywhere!  It was a windy night and I could see the tent moving with the breeze.  I was practically past the house when I noticed that the wind had caused some of the clips holding the flaps together to fall off.

I was holding my breath as I passed in front of the house, but you never know!

The doctor managed to not laugh at me as she assured me it was just a sinus infection.


  1. Too funny and thanks for the freebie.

  2. Ahh hon you're having such a time lately - grab some ice cream and that cute delivery guy and stay in watching movies. Even though you feel rotten, you still came up with a terrific sentiment. Hang in there sweetie - we all love ya

  3. I love the sentiment,and thanks for sharing

  4. I love the sentiment,and thanks for sharing.
    Blessings Jocelan
