Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy May give away

Download word art here 

Happy May!  I am one day closer to summer vacation and I couldn't be happier!

Several and I mean SEVERAL years ago I was given a Cricut for Christmas and other than opening it up that first day to play I never used the poor thing.  I was feeling like a negligent parent when a friend of mine commented that she would love to have one and I decided to put mine up for adoption.  It really was the best thing to do.  She was going to love the little thing way more than I ever could. 

My friend has now taken the Cricut and moved away.  I don't have the best track record of keeping in touch with people even though I really, really mean to.  (I have several long distance friends that may be reading this right now and laughing because they know I'm telling the truth and can't remember the last time they heard from me.)  However, I'm sure my friend and her Cricut are very happy together and have created lots of beautiful crafty things.

Tonight, while cleaning out a long deserted box of crafting supplies I came across this little box...

Obviously, I have no use for this little goodie anymore.  If you can use it and would like to have it just leave a comment on this post and I'll pick someone to mail it out to in a week or so.