Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Bucket List

Download word art here:  https://app.box.com/s/8y4k5p35h2iyrn3y0khf

I know you've probably seen this list before, it's been floating around Facebook for awhile.  I love it!  How much fun would it be to actually do some of these things?

I am all about wearing the life t-shirt and handing out lemons!  Of course, it would also be fun to be Dracula....excuse me, I mean...Dr. acula.  Lol!

Which one would you like to do?


  1. ha ha #9 struck a chord, I have an African grey parrot who shouts "HELP! let me out I'm a seagull" some times he just shouts "HELP! let me out" I keep wondering if a burly fireman or the police might barge in lol.I like # 4 and 9 hilarious.
    thanks x

  2. I haven't seen this before. I LOL'd at some of them. I think I would do #4 for a laugh. Let's hope the others in the elevator also have a sense of humour :-)

  3. These are priceless - can't pick a fav - they're all great

  4. Cute list. I liked four the best. Thanks for the word art.

  5. #9 is freakin funny! I would totally love to do #3, though it would be great to have your kid set up a lemonade stand nearby!
