Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Is it the weekend yet?

Download word art here:
***Come back tomorrow for the the "you're" version of this word art!***

Ok, I admit it, I'm a wimp!  It was too cold to get out of bed this morning!

I know some of you woke up to temps that were below zero, so our 57 degree morning sounds like a heat wave to you, but this is south Florida and we were cold!

I had students show up wearing what appeared to be every clothing item they own in order to stay warm.

Hope we get back to flip flop weather soon!


  1. Lol...this is perfect for a card that I need to make and send dear daughter! She is 35 weeks pregnant, and quite sick with a persistent cough. To make matters worse, the baby has kicked her so hard, that she has bruised ribs!!! We are always joking that God never gives us more than we can handle. LOVE this - will let you know when I've used it!!! Thanks for making my day!

  2. Like the word art and will use it, as well as, the "you're" version. It's not the weekend but it's Hump Day! Yeah! BTW, we are having a heat wave here in far north IL. It's 8 and only 5 below with the wind chill factor. In other words we're still shivering! We're too busy thinking about how to avoid frostbite to think about flip flops ... but trust me, we're trying to remember that spring/summer will come. Heehee! :D
