Tuesday, January 14, 2014

It really wasn't my fault!

Download word art here:  https://app.box.com/s/og1m7550np2x909krxlv

I woke up this morning feeling yucky.  I made it to work, but only lasted half a day.

Once I got home, I learned that all of my friends were sick too.  It seems that something at the "bring what you want" brunch we had on Sunday morning was the culprit.

We all know I don't cook, so I didn't bring food.  I wasn't the one trying to poison everyone I know!  Yea me!

Everyone is starting to feel better now, but I doubt we'll be getting together for Sunday brunch again anytime soon.  Lol!


  1. Oh hun! So sorry you've got the yukkies! Take good care of yourself. REALLY like this sentiment - it's so me

  2. Hope you are fit & well again now. Thanks for the cute sentiment.
