Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wanna be my sugar daddy?

Download word art here:

Who wants to be nice and buy me a new computer?

What? No one! Really?

Well, let me tell you what happened anyway.

I was sitting on the bed killing time and playing on the computer when I decided to move to the living room to watch the big TV.  I sort of half way put the screen down, stood up and took about four steps.  That's when I stepped on a sock that didn't quite make it into the basket with the dirty laundry like it was supposed to, slipped and fell.  It was one of those sudden, " I have no idea what's happening falls".


I fell and the computer went flying.

Now, I've a a very colorful bruise that, luckily, is in a place no one had to see and the computer won't even turn on.  The screen looks a little wonky too and isn't exactly attached the way it's supposed to be attached.

Want to buy me a new computer now?


Hey, it never hurts to ask, does it.  Lol!

Thank goodness for the iPad!


  1. Love this sentiment and the fonts you used to create it...thank you!

  2. Sorry about your computer and your knee. I hope you'll be able to afford a new computer.

  3. Awww hon so sorry that you were attacked by that hateful ole sock ... they just don't have any respect. You're the 5th person this week who needs a new computer (that I know) - is it some sort of evil plot to make us all upgrade.....hang in there kiddo. Hugs

  4. Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear about the computer going fritzy. No sugar daddy coming forward eh? Well if it wasn't for the fact that we just bought a new laptop, and now need to buy a new printer, some more storage, my husband just bought $400+ glasses, the mortgage needs paying and we have to put food on the table, and a 100 other things, I'd be right there for you. ;O) Good luck with that. Oh and thanks for today's word art.

    Lisa D.

  5. Know how you feel, my computer was starting to act funny, so I ordered me a laptop, oh my, it is a windows 8 & I'm not a happy camper.. Right after I got the LT my old one finally had to be buried. So I hunted until I found a windows 7. Good luck and thanks for all your great word art.

