Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Spreading the love

Download word art here

Through the years, you guys have offered up postcards, advice, presents and encouragement for my class.  I would like to try and return the favor even though I know that it's a debt I'll never fulfill.

We're done with testing and looking for something interesting to do that we can still call "work".  lol!  So, if you or someone you know would like to receive a postcard from us just send me the name and address.  It can be for any reason - encouragement, cheering up, a birthday or an anniversary, just because or maybe even for no reason at all.

Just send me the info and one of my wonderful Kindergarten students will write a message and we'll get the card in the mail.

It's kind of like our wishing fence that got destroyed, but this time the wishes are for you.


  1. What a wonderful idea, I so enjoyed reading the wishes on the wishing fence. I will email my info, but I am from the UK so will understand if it's not possible. Glad you all made it through the tests. x

  2. I'm in the uk too but I would refund postage if there's a return address as I have some American postage stamps. I love hearing about your school days and am so pleased that you are moving on from the exams. I'll email you my addy.

  3. I think it's a sweet idea! I'm in Canada and it would be extra postage so I will not participate but I think what you and your class are doing is wonderful!

  4. What a wonderful idea... I have a friend and co-worker that could use some cheering up! She is pregnant with her 4th baby and is a bit stressed this go 'round. Please let me know what I need to do to participate!
