Sunday, June 22, 2014

No explanation needed!

Download word art here

I spent today doing what most people do after returning home from a trip.....laundry!   lol!

I did receive a pretty interesting email from a blog viewer asking about the differences in the word art quotes I give away daily. You know... some are motivational, some are inspirational, some are funny and apparently some are bad.  VERY, VERY BAD. lol!

Well, I can't explain myself.  There's no explanation.  No rhyme or reason as to why I post the quotes I post.

Some I like.  Some I think that you may like.  Some fit the mood I'm in or what I'm going through at the time.  Some are just funny.  Some are the result of a request I received.  Some are made for a specific project I'm working on. 

ALL of them are free!

No one is required to take anything, but the quotes are here if you would like to.  And, if you take something, you don't have to take everything.  Take what you like and ignore the rest.

It's that explanation required from you or from me.


  1. Thank you for the freebie! :)

  2. I love your sense of humor, always look forward to your freebies. Today, however, you have hit the core of my life. Thank you.

  3. I love your quotes. Here's one of mine -
    you can't please all of the folks all of the time, just some of 'em some of the time.

  4. Wow, really? How ungrateful! I've loved all your quotes and some of your funny stories about your dating life. As a single gal, I can relate to a lot of these stories and most of the quotes. I am grateful to find someone who writes these quotes so I can use them on my projects. Thanks for all the wonderful freebies. :) xx

  5. SOME PEOPLE- sheesh. I have LOVED your posts and have laughed and been sad with you....even offered to loan you my cousin Vinney when that car was folllow you...giggle... Pay no attention to the negative ones floating through life - there are tons more positive ones that think you're the BEST. Luv ya kiddo.

  6. Thanks very much for the sentiment!!! Thanks for all you do each and every day!!! I wish my daughter would of had you for her Kindergarten teacher!!! Maybe you could move out to Tucson, Az and be her 3rd grade teacher starting July 31st!!!! lol take care doll!! Hugs, Heidi

  7. I have the perfect photo for this one! Thank you for every sentiment you have shared. I may not love them all but I do love your sense of humor.

  8. I'm one of your greatest followers who love your daily stories and quotes which I often use on my projects. Some people ask me where do I get the quotes and I direct them to your blog. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful ramblings that often make my days and sharing the quotes. Hugs xx
