Friday, June 27, 2014

SSHHH....don't tell my friends!

Download word art here

OK, so the fitbit bracelet is really cool!

It tracks everything!  I know how many steps I've taken today, how many calories I've burned, how many minutes I was active and how many I wasn't.

I also know how much sleep I got last night.  How long it took me to fall asleep after I got into bed, when I woke up and when I was restless.

However, I'm still NOT setting an alarm to go off in the mornings so I can walk with my friends.  lol!


  1. Fitbit bracelet? I'm gonna have to look into it. It sounds awesome! Your secret is safe with me! ;) lol

  2. I've been wanting one of those....I think your comments just made my mind up.....on the search! Thanks for your wonderful word art! I love all of them!

  3. Got my hubby one for Father's Day. Hope he gets me one for my upcoming birthday...

  4. LOL you go girl! I am with u on not setting the alarm!! If it's not for work I am NOT setting it!!! lol That bracelet sounds pretty awesome!!! hugs, Heidi

  5. LOL. Thanks for the word art, Ginger.

  6. Yes, sometimes silence is not a good thing! LOL! Thanks for the word art.
