Tuesday, July 8, 2014

What a pain!

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So, the police don't seem too concerned about my poor car.  I called the number I was given today and asked if they could give me some sort of update.  I was told that they would have the investigator assigned to the case give me a call tomorrow to let me know when he could start investigating the incident.

I guess they figure that no one was hurt and insurance will take care of the car.  Meanwhile, who ever did it gets away.

A year ago I get pulled over because my tag was similar to one that was reported stolen.  Six months ago I got a ticket because of the Esserman International frame that was around my tag.  BUT, whoever hit my parked car and took off just gets away with it.

Where is the fairness in all of this?


  1. I'm sorry. it really isn't fair. I hate that this has happened to you. I really hope the police move soon and catch this person.

  2. :( Where are the real cops when you need them?

  3. First, thank you for your years of making word art that has brought smiles to my face! Second, as you know, to thrive past this requires finding the silver ling to this thunder cloud. I'd love to see your take on one/all of the following : Life isn't fair, that's a place with cotton candy. ' It may have escaped your notice but life isn't fair.' Severus Snape. '...but why isn't it ever unfair in my favor?' Calvin and Hobbes. May the fair weather clouds of good karma come your way soon.

  4. First, thank you for providing many a smile over the last several years. Second, as you know, the only way to thrive through the thunder storm is to find a silver lining, no matter how small. I'd love to see your take on any/all of the following: Life isn't fair, that's a place with cotton candy. "It may have escaped your notice but life isn't fair." Severus Snape. "...but why isn't it ever unfair in my favor?" Calvin and Hobbes. May the fair weather good karma clouds find you soon.

  5. I hear your frustration Ginger!!
    I recently had some crank phone calls, and was advised to change my number (after 23yrs).
    Talk about re-victimising the victim and protecting the perpetrator... even the teleco wouldn't tell me who had made the abusive call, but they did warn them and the abusive calls stopped, but they got around it in another way which could not be traced and still were able to annoy me for some weeks. I refused to be intimidated and they finally stopped but....

  6. I am afraid the world is very much an "unfair" place these days with the 'who gives a damn' attitude that most authorities seem to have. I'm amazed anything gets done at all. x

  7. Even during all this frustration, you're still able to share wonderful Word Art. NOW go eat CHOCOLATE! -- hugs

  8. That really sucks! I can just imagine the frustration you must be feeling. Hang in there. Hope they catch him. And I just love this sentiment. Thanks so much! xxD
