Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I love you guys!

Download word art here

Your emails asking about what supplies you can send to my class/school have been so nice!  I can't believe how awesome you guys are!

Just so you can see how bad things have gotten I took a picture of the supplies I was given for the year.....

That box on the bottom is file folders.  I'm really thrilled about the stapler because it's the first new one I've been given in ten years.

We haven't been given anything for the kids to use in years.  Those things are either donations or purchased by the teachers.

The most needed items in my grade level are:

Primary pencils, crayons, highlighters, colored pencils, markers, two pocket folders, primary lined
writing paper, glue sticks, construction paper, tissues, index cards and gallon sized baggies.

I've got a Dr. Seuss theme going on in my room this year.  As a matter of fact, I've got some laminating I need to go cut out....

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