Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I am never doing laundry again!

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So, I let the laundry pile up a little bit.  And by a little bit....I mean a LOT! 

What can I say, I've been busy and tired and trying to remember why I became a teacher all those years ago.

Now, the place that does my dry cleaning also does the wash and fold laundry and they pick up and deliver which is pretty awesome.  But, they don't have very fast service and I was seriously out of towels so I couldn't wait.

On my way to school this morning I dropped off more dirty laundry than I care to admit at a wash and fold place that opens super early.  I had to pay by the pound and there were lots of pounds!  lol!  After school, I swung by and picked up my clean, folded and placed on a hanger laundry.

Totally worth the price I paid!

I am never doing laundry again!


  1. hehe...love it...thanks for sharing this sentiment!

  2. Love the sentiment.
    ps send me the address of the laundry place!!! Only joking but I wish we had that service over here.....
