Sunday, September 7, 2014

If you don't want to know...don't ask!

Download word art here

OCG: Why is there a footprint on the ceiling?
Me: (indignantly) There was a spider

Awkward moment of silence

OCG: Is that how the lamp got broken?
Me: Could be


  1. Ginger I make printed small pillows can I use your word art on some, I do sell online, but will give you credit?
    Thank you Brenda

    1. Brenda, I am so sorry for not seeing your question earlier! Things have been crazy around here. I would be honored if you used my word art on your pillows. I can't wait to see what you make!

  2. Ha! I'd swear I've had a similar conversation with my hubby ;-) Seriously, how else would a footprint end up somewhere like that!!!

  3. OMG!!!! So what's the real story?!?!?! lol

    Take care doll! Hugs,Heidi
