Monday, October 20, 2014

Odd & Ends

Download word art here

I've gotten lots of questions lately so I thought I would take a minute to answer some of them.

I teach Kindergarten in Miami.  My school isn't in the best neighborhood and the teachers have to purchase most of their own supplies for the class and the kids.  I purchase all art supplies on my own!  But....I have some of the best blog readers in the world and you guys have taken good care of me and my class.  THANKS!

Sebastian is doing well and doesn't have another surgery scheduled anytime soon.  Despite his recent bully run in he's still the happiest kid alive.  I've asked for the name of the little girl who stood up for him, but haven't gotten it yet.  His mom forgot and she wants to be careful about bringing it up to him again.

I don't sell my word art or photos anywhere, but you can always make a paypal donation if you would like.  I won't turn it down. lol! 

I will gladly make a special request word art for you, but since I work and play a lot I may need a few days before getting it to you. 

Now, even though I still have a ton of photos from my North Carolina trip, today will be the last day I share some with you.  I don't want you to overdose on my photos.  Of course, if you cry and beg for more I'll share them because I don't want to be the reason you cry.  lol!

BE 24 days Orange Croc Guy and I are heading back to the mountains.  This time we'll be staying in Tennessee and I'll have a bazillion more pictures to bore you with. lol!

PLUS...I'm probably going to need another run away day or two between now and then.  I'll make sure I document that too.


  1. I'm so enjoying your pictures of abandoned places--thank you!

  2. Ginger, I have to say I love your blog. It takes a special person to be a teacher and I just want you to know I appreciate what you are doing. Love your photography too. Post any and all you want it is your blog. If someone don't like it they can just look the other way. I have a couple of best Friends that know I'm crazy. LOL
    xo Nana

  3. Love looking at all your photo's, you take great pics, so no complaints from me. Thank you for the great word art too x

  4. Hi Ginger, I love these of the old barn and bridges. Thank you for sharing your photos. I have enjoyed them.
    Thank you for telling a little bit about yourself and your class. I hope to get a card in the mail soon to Sebastian. Edwina Brown
