Sunday, November 23, 2014

I'm psychic!

Download word art here

So, it turns out that I'm psychic and I can prove it!

You see at one point while we were hiking in the rain in Tennessee I predicted that there would be a visit to a doctor's office in my future.  I WAS RIGHT!

I went to the doctor on Thursday with a temp of 102 and got a influenza type A diagnosis. 

Yep, I have the flu and I predicted it would happen!

So, go ahead and post your questions here I'll answer all of them for only 25 cents each.  However, I do not accept responsibility for any answers you don't like or any actions/consequences you endure as a result of my answers.


  1. Feel better soon! Rest up! Thank you for the word art.

  2. Love this, so funny and so true thank you for sharing.
