Saturday, November 8, 2014

Shopping for winter clothes

Download word art here

Try hitting up the mall in 80 degree Miami weather to shop for winter clothing.  I was sweating in the dressing room. LOL!

I managed to find some goodies and I'm already for our Me-vember trip to Tennessee.  Just wish I could go now.  The next couple of days are going to be the longest.


  1. Fun! Hope you get lots of photos and share them!

  2. Very Funny and true, I know I used to fold fitted sheets. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks again fir the great word art that you share. Hope your trip is wonderful!

  4. Love this word art, it is so very true. I was showing my 27yr old daughter how to do this last week and her response was WHY!!! She's got a point lol. Hope your Me-vember trip goes without a hitch, have fun x
