Saturday, January 31, 2015

Grandma always said...

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My grandmother used to say that burning a green candle would bring money your way.

I really wish she had been a little more specific!  I've been burning a green candle since last weekend trying to get some major lottery money to come my way and it's not working!

Maybe my candle is broken.....


  1. In the days before electricity was available in the homes of the coal miners in UK candles were all white except those used in the pits which were green . So if a family was burning a green candle in their home it meant that they'd stolen it.
    Just thought I'd share that snippet of UK mining history :)

  2. In the days before electricity in UK, candles used in the home of a mineworker were white. Green candles were used underground in the pits and belonged to the colliery so if a family was burning a green candle it meant that they'd stolen it! Just thought I'd share that snippet of UK mining history :) xx
