Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I am useless!

Download word art here

So, I spent my three day weekend doing nothing!   Seriously!  Today I never even got my fitbit past the first light when you tap it.  LOL!

Yes, I'm still wearing the fitbit!  Mostly, out of habit than a desire to impress my friends with the amount of steps I take in a day.  LOL!

Tuesday night I'm going out with the girls to see 50 Shades of Gray.  Everyone has different work schedules so we couldn't go earlier. I've heard all about how bad the movie is, but it's still girl time so we'll have fun.


  1. Thanks for continuing to share your talent with us - your wordarts always touch me - often to use as a spark for a card, but often to write in a journal, something I've not done enough of.

    Today's quote was something I heard in my late 20's that changed my life - it prompted me to change jobs & break up with my longterm boyfriend. Less than two years later my life was a thousand times more full, rewarding & joyful. 27 years later & I still look back on this as a pivotal idea, one I'm so grateful to have heeded. Thanks for reminding me how much I have to be thankful of on this cold, bleary day!

  2. How apropos, the sun came out while I made my lunch - after dreary skies all morning! -- just remembering changed my day!
