Friday, February 20, 2015

What a week!

Download word art here

OK, people I am getting a little tired of going online and seeing teachers in other places bragging about how they haven't had to go to school all week because of the snow.  You guys need to pack up some of that snow and/or ice you no longer want and ship it to Miami so I can have a snow day/week/month/year. 

I've been trying to tell everyone that we need to take a "sympathy snow day" to show that we understand your pain and stand united as one.  No one ever listens to me though!

I told you we were going to see 50 Shades of Gray didn't I?  Well, I read the books and they were so much better than the movie.  There were four of us and we were bored.  My friend Ingrid snuck a water bottle filled with Vodka into the theater and we were still bored!

We did get some really good laughs out of the reactions of an older lady that was  sitting on the same row as us.  I'm not sure where she has been for the last few years, but apparently this lady had NO idea what the movie was about.  At one point we were laughing so hard at this ladies reaction to something that a completely different lady actually "shushed" us.

Yeah, there weren't any men in the theater.  LOL!

You should also know that to make things even funnier the theater was showing the movie with Spanish subtitles.  Yeah, we're classy broads, we watch our movies with subtitles. LOL!

Wednesday was a normal day.  Nothing exciting happened except for the fact that OCG gave me a new stupid green "you know what".  When I asked if he was making fun of me he said.....

Yes, and I also heard the Mega Millions drawing is up to 100 million.  So, here you go.

I don't think I can go through this again.  The disappointment when it's all over and I'm still poor and have to go to work everyday just hurts too much.

But.....I still really want that summer house in Maine.....

This morning, not long after the kids got to class, the power went out in out building then on the whole campus.  As soon as it went out one of my students looked around and very loudly said....

Not cool, man.  Not cool!

I was excited and hoped that the power would stay off and they would have to send us home.....forever. 

I tried to keep things normal and calm though.  As a matter of fact, I tried to keep things so normal that I tried to put kids on the computer to work.  That didn't work out too well.  LOL!  You know it's bad when a five year old has to point out to you that they can't go on the computer because it's not working and the lights are off.

The power came back on before too long, but we never got internet up and working.  No internet meant no computer time for the kids and it meant no Smartboard activities for me. 

I know that the Smartboards are outdated and mine is terminally unaligned,  but they are the best we've got and I have seriously forgotten how to teach without using mine. 

On a bright note, there are only 29 more days until Vegas and 66 more school days until summer vacation!


  1. Cold here, but no snow. Thank you for all the word art!

  2. We should be averaging 51 degrees here (Oregon) but Friday it was 60; no coat at recess! You would have been wearing one though. :) Thanks for the sentiment.
