Sunday, May 17, 2015

I've been working on this.....

Download word art here

It's been a while since I've written anything just or fun.   I've felt stiffled, but now I think that's changing.

I got up early this morning to get some errands run.....dropping off the laundry at the cleaners, buying a present for a friends birthday, getting a massage because it was a long week and I deserved it, running by the post office to mail a package and hitting up the grocery store. 

As I was getting out of the car at the grocery store, I noticed there was a guy sitting in the driver's seat of the truck I had parked beside.  He was just sitting there enjoying what looked like a smoothie.  I ran into the store and grabbed everything I needed and came out about 15 minutes later. 

As I was walking across the parking garage I noticed that the truck that had been parked by my car was gone an another car was sitting there.  This car also had a guy sitting in the driver's seat.  He wasn't drinking a smoothie, but he was playing on the phone.

I started putting my goodies in my car when I thought.....what if I'm being followed?!  What if I'm being followed and they had to switch out cars because I saw the driver of the truck?!

Yep, I think I'm ready to get back to some creative writing!  LOL!


  1. Sometimes I have this awkward feelings too Ginger. We can't stop being careful all the time I think. Thank you for another lovely wordart. Love it! Hugs xx

  2. Sounds like it's time to start writing! Thank you.

  3. lol, I get that feeling when I drive home off late's and the same car stays behind me for ages!
    Thanks as always

  4. Love your quirkiness Ginger lol. Only you could put two different guys/cars together and come up "I think I'm being followed". XXxx Looking forward to your creative writing - any mention of OCG welcomed. :-)
