Friday, August 28, 2015

I love you guys!

Download word art here

***Come back tomorrow for the "dog" version of this word art!***

Thank you for your sweet comments and emails about Sebastian.  The last I heard from his mom was around 6 PM California time and Sebastian was just waking up from the surgery.  He woke up smiling and said there was no pain.  Seriously, this kid is the bravest person I know!

I promise to update you as I know more information.  I'll also find out about sending him cards.  If you guys would like, email me and I'll give you my address.  Then, I'll forward cards to him.


  1. Thank you for the update. Glad there is no pain! Thank you also for the word art.

  2. Yes! I would love to send our little guy a card - he's such a trooper - bless him.

  3. I've not been around much this summer, but am back now & praying for Sebastian, his family - and for you. I'd love to send something to cheer him up!
