Thursday, August 20, 2015

Time to tell you some of my secrets!

Download word art here

So many of you have prayed, crossed your fingers and hoped that my work situation would improve.  Well, it worked!!!!!

In between my summer trips I also found a new teaching job!  I'm not in Kindergarten any more and that's going to take some getting used to.  To be completely honest with you, after the prison-esque environment I was in, these people could say they want me to teach high school chemistry and I'd be happy to it.

My new principal is the anti old principal!  I was actually told that when it came to lesson plans to think NOVELTY because when you bring fun into the class the students stay engaged and behavior problems decline.

See what I mean about the anti old principal? 

I have my hands full with learning a whole new curriculum, but I am less stressed than I have been in the last three years and it is an amazing feeling! 


  1. THAT'S WONDERFUL!!! Congrats, my love! I'm so very happy for you. Now you can do what you do so well and not think about negative attitudes. Good luck on an amazing new year!!!

  2. Woot! So excited and happy for you! I know you'll do amazing things!

  3. Wonderful! I have been wondering what this year would hold for you and it sounds like a much better time is on the way! Thank you for the word art!

  4. I am so relieved and happy for you!!! I have had crummy principals before and know how painful it can make it. Sounds like you found the best environment. What grade are you going to be doing???

  5. Woooohoooo that is just AMAZING news <3
    Sending massive hugs from here in the UK and I look forward to reading all about your first days in the new school :D
    Now's the time to take a breath and look forward, its a new journey so enjoy :D

    Hugs xxx

  6. Sooo very happy for you!!!!! How will you tell old cranky principal??? I wanna be there when he gets your notice!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!

  7. Squeeeeeel!!! So happy for you! Will you be working in the same area or will you be having to move? Know this coming year will be a joy.....those kids are so lucky to have you!

  8. CONGRATS to you on your new teaching position! Hope this will be the beginning of many good yrs to come. The kids you teach will have the best with you as their teacher. :D

  9. I new happy thoughts would get you closer to happiness and I am so happy for you :)

  10. Was I out of line with my comment? Was it the "cursing"??? ha. Really, though, what's up?

    1. Oh sweetie, a little cursing has never bothered me. LOL! I swear I never saw your comment. Please post it again. I'd love to see it!

  11. hooray hooray hooray for YOU!!!!!! what exciting news to read!!!! you will rise to this adventure like the champion you are!!!! so happy for you! :)

  12. Congratulations!!! What grade will you be teaching? This will be an awesome year for you. I agree with the principal - novelty and excitement will always keep the children engaged. You are definitely up to the challenge of a new curriculum it's going to be fun for you and you can enjoy teaching again, instead of being stressed out. I don't leave comments often but I do read and I love your word art.

  13. Fantastic - I have just got a new school this year too. Here's to us having lots of fun with our learning :-)

  14. so very glad to read this news! I have definitely been praying for you to get a new school with supportive administrators - you have so much joy & enthusiasm to motivate our precious kids! (Still catching up... )
