Wednesday, November 25, 2015

My Thanksgiving

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My Thanksgiving came early this year and I am so happy that it did!

Are there things about my life that I wish were different?  ABSOLUTELY!
Are there things that I wish I could have and/or do?  DEFINITELY!
Do I have all of the things that I truly need?  YES! YES! YES!

I learned on Tuesday that one of the ladies that works at my school wasn't going to have a traditional Thanksgiving meal because she just couldn't afford it.  She is a single parent of two with an ex husband who hasn't paid child support in a long time.

It broke my heart!

So, after some online detective work and a phone call to Publix, I was able to order and pay for a completely cooked meal for her family.  All she has to do is pick it up and enjoy the day with her kids.

We both cried when I told her!.

On Thursday, when I sit down to dinner with my rag tag group of friends who I love with all my heart.  I will be saying an extra prayer of thanks.

I will forever be thankful that I was able to make a difference in someone else's holiday!

Enjoy your day and help someone else if you can.



  1. We have so much to be thankful for. How neat that you did that for her! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. That was such a lovely, selfless thing you did. I'm not surprised you both cried, it brought a tear to my eyes. :)

  3. I have to tell you that my husband and I both laughed our hind ends off over this word art!! THEN I read your post. How awesome to be reminded that there are STILL WONDERFUL PEOPLE - LIKE YOU - IN THE WORLD!! Be BLESSED!!!
