Wednesday, December 9, 2015

We should have had an inservice!

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This week is Secret Santa week at school and we're not doing a very good job.  Seriously, I've never seen so many adults mess up a "secret" exchange.  We should have had an inservice with follow up activities and master plan points before we started!

On Monday, we were encouraged to give a gift that we had made ourselves.  My Secret Santa  gave me a really cute spider ornament that was made of beads with a story about The Christmas Spider.  The only problem with my gift was that she put in in a gift bag that she was reusing (You know that we've all done that!), but she forgot to remove the tag that had her name on it.  So, even though the gift was for me, the tag said "To Nicole and Jon"  LOL! I made everyone promise not to tell her, but man oh man have we laughed!

Another teacher ran into the person she was suppose to surprise all week about half way through the day on Monday and said, "I didn't forget about you.  I've got your gift in my room.  I'll bring it by in a little bit."  LOL!  That's right, she totally gave herself away.  Later that day she had one of the fourth grade teachers deliver her gift and today I delivered it for her.  She now says that, for her Secret Santa, the surprise is WHO will deliver the gift each day.  LOL!

We need help!

Want to know who doesn't need help?  My Redditgifts Secret Santa!  That is someone who knows how to do Christmas right!  This is what was waiting for me when I got home from school....

My very own Rick Grimes doll and a Dolphins throw tp keep me warm.

Seriously, awesome gifts!

I might be finding just a little bit of my lost Christmas spirit!

1 comment:

  1. A Rick Grimes doll is the PERFECT gift!!! Got to love Andrew!
