Monday, February 22, 2016

Is it a sign?

Download word art here

Fonts used:  fine hand & for girls only

Lately I've been  too busy to fill you guys in on all the stuff that's going on and I'm still getting emails about box and 4shared not working. 

I love you guys and absolutely do not mind sending the word art to you, but I'm starting to wonder if this is all a sign that maybe it's time to move on from blogging.

Then I wonder if feeling yucky because of this cold just has me down and what I really need is just for you guys to pay me compliments and make me feel like a pretty, pretty princess.

What do you think?


  1. Ginger you know what - I love your word art/quotes but I really LOVE your sense of humor - it tickles my funny bones in places I didn't know I had them. We used to have warmed lemonade from the microwave with 2x disprin dissolved (becareful because they can fizz out if you add a spoon to mix) before we went to bed when we have a cold and I still do for the kiddlets. xxx

  2. Hi Ginger, a huge thanks for all the giggles you give me each and every day, I love your sense of humour, maybe you 4shared your cold with your PC you know how they love getting viruses, hee hee... Megan

  3. I love the word art, but don't want you to do it if you don't want to. I do hope you feel better and back to being your pretty, pretty princess! Thank you!

  4. Ginger,
    I truly love all that you share with us and would be sad if it all disappeared, BUT if it were me, I would pray about it, and ask yourself the question.....Is what I have been doing STILL gives me joy or is it giving me hassles that I do not want or need?

  5. Nooooooooooooooo don't leave us - you've been such a delight!!!

  6. I agree with everyone who has said how much joy and laughs you give us with your sense of humor and your quotes. Bah Humbug to those who can't download and complain. I just save your quotes right from the email. I have sent several to my daughter who enjoys them also.
    Everyone needs to get a grip on reality and since you are freely giving of your spirit and your time they should just be grateful that you are such a giving person.
    Do what is best for you - I for one would be sorry if you stopped but I want you to be happy and not stressed. Life is short and it should be enjoyed. We all have enough stress at work we don't need anyone else stressing us out.
    Have a wonderful, fantastic, sunshine day - you are greatly appreciated by me here in NY. Yes you are a princess.

  7. Sorry I know you are having uses with the downloads. Here is how I worked it all out. Either site left click on the quote to bring it up. Right click as if you are going to save the item. Click on the Save image as and it when the folder pops up click okay and it saves just like it use to. I really do thank you for the art work and the great humor or stories. What ever you decide I hope this helps you or someone with the download issues.

  8. Listen up Princess! I love your quotes and some, like this one, I JUST HAVE to share with DH as it's soooo appropriate! Please don't leave us but if you do .... I understand.
    Your email arrives last thing at night and I have to read it before I go to sleep.
    I don't always download your quotes.... if I do ...I do it right from your email.
    You do what's best for you..... we love you anyhow.

  9. Anyone who can have your sense of humor and take care of the kido's the way you do... Has to be a Princess!
    But that is just my opinion ;-) I love all you have shared with all of us. But I know too that life can be a pain and you sometimes need to step back for a while and take care of You! Take care and know you are appreciated.
    XO Nana

  10. I'm with the others... pleeeeease don't leave us Princess Ginger! I'll miss all the Kindergarten stories and OCG anecdotes, and the funny word art. And like some others above, I download right from your email... right click, save as. Same can be done straight from your blog post... no Box needed. I have no idea why all these folks are bothering the pretty princess with email requests when they have they power to right click! I apologize that I don't comment and thank you more often but I usually just grab the image from email, not from the blog and its either in the 5 minutes before I leave for the day or the 5 minutes before bed and I'm not likely to make much sense at either time of day. I've had to proofread this 4 times to fix my sentences tonight and I've probably still missed something ;-) PS Hope you feel better.

  11. No, not a sign to stop blogging, my pretty princess!!! I love your posts and relate to many of them.

  12. Hi, I'm very, very late to the party ... BUT, PLEASE DO continue on with your blog and wonderfully creative wordart.
    Living with pain & multiple health issues, it's easy for me to feel isolated & discouraged. When I feel up to it, I craft for charity, using digital images, wordart & cut files I download from the Web. Whether or not I actually use what I download from your site on any given visit, my spirit is generally lighter & I'm much more eager to share my own talents with people I don't know. (Cue violins, followed by patriotic trumpet & fireworks...) I know it sounds sappy, but I'm speaking the truth here.
    Your creations remind me of people, experiences & situations I experienced before all the health issues, and often give me much-needed chuckle. So. on days you wonder if it is really worth all the bother, remember your friend over here in Augusta, GA who finds her vision restored & heart enlarged by the thoughts triggered reading your blog & wordart -- especially the weird bits.
    - AND thanks too for working as a teacher!
