Sunday, February 28, 2016

Starting to feel human again!

Download word art here

Font used:  Impregnable

My cold is still lingering, but I am starting to feel better.  I hate being sick!

I've got another problem now.  I'm supposed to fill out a questionnaire  so that I can be highlighted as teacher of the week starting on Monday. 

This is something new that was started a couple of weeks ago.  I've already been asked once, but I passed and this time I didn't think I should do that.  BUT, I really, really don't want to do this!

Most of the questions are simple and painless, but a couple of them are harder and I just don't know how to answer them.  One question asks,

What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

SERIOUSLY!  How am I supposed to pick just one thing?

Another question asks,

What are three things that we may not know about you?

AGAIN, how do I choose?  I'm new at this school so they don't really know ME.  They know the WORK ME and that me isn't nearly as fun as the REAL ME.

There's also a question about what advice I would give to my younger self.

 Do you people have any idea how dumb I was?  There is so much advice I would give to my younger self.  Advice that they don't really need to know about because it will lead to some interesting questions with some stories that I really don't want to tell them.....yet.....and maybe not ever!

I'll probably be looking for a new job after this!


  1. LOL---Can you plea the fifth? Thank you for all the word art you share and get well soon!

  2. Too funny! Congrats on being selected to apply. That's a pretty big deal in our little town!!! Yes, thank you for the word art you so generously post! Hope you feel better soon! Hugs!

  3. Thank you for the cute sentiment! Glad you are starting to feel better! We are getting better from a yucky virus, so I can relate! :)
