Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Handsome overload!

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Check out this picture that Sebastian's mom shared...

 He was the score keeper and bench coach for the team.  He was able to warm up and exercise with the team too.

I am so proud of him and I just want to hug the coaches for letting him be part of the team!  I am so proud of him, and I'm glad that he is making a place for himself in the world.  I am so proud of him, but I will never stop missing the tiny little boy that used to scare the monsters away from the playground for me.

OK, OK, enough teacher mushy stuff!

Now, let's move on to the teacher crazy stuff.  LOL!

At school, we were all given a circle and asked to write a wish that we had down.  The circles are going to be used for an employee rainbow of wishes bulletin board in an area where the kids won't see it.  So.....here's my wish...

I know it's not really a contest, but I still think I win!


  1. Hummm I think I need to get one of those stickers as well Ginger - its never too late to be prepared for a day that you might need it - say next week as my little boy I work with is going swimming in the big pool with over 80 other kids. Shriek...!!! :-(

  2. Good teacher moments! Thank you for all the word art.

  3. Haha! Great sticker Ginger :-)

  4. So glad to see the wonderul pictures of Sebastian, I have been absent from the blog world for sometime so it's lovely to see him thriving.....he's clearly not letting life limit him...yes you must me proud! Bet his mum is :-)
    P.s great sticker .....make one;-)
