Tuesday, March 15, 2016

It's like they know me!

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Font used:  Willems Font

I came home today and found a small package waiting for me.  It's always exciting when that happens!

I haven't ordered anything and the only thing the outside of the box told me was that it was something "Especially Made Just For You!" From Valdosta, Georgia.

I had to open it right away!

Inside was a container of chocolate chip cookies from Fresh Beginnings that the Jeep dealership sent me as a thank you for my purchase.

The folks at VW never sent me cookies!

I love my new car and my cookies!


  1. Unexpected surprises can be fun! Thank you for all the word art you share!

  2. We are looking at updating our old vehicle - I wonder if I bought a Jeep in Australia if I would get some cookies? Especially chocolate chip cookies YUM xx
