Sunday, June 26, 2016

Summer vacation Day 32

Download word art here

Font used:  Yard Sale

I've just finished up another week of doing absolutely nothing and totally loving it!  LOL!

Actually, that's not true.  I mean, just today, I vacuumed.  ALL BY MYSELF!  And, the other day, I made my very own and very burned grilled cheese sandwich for lunch.

On Monday and Tuesday I have another workshop to go to.  This one is local though, so no mini vacation on the school's dime for me.  Thank goodness I got a text from my friend, Nichole today reminding about it!  Of course, if the workshop is boring, I'll blame her for reminding me.  LOL!

Let's face it, this is going to have to be pretty awesome to beat the one in Orlando last week!

On Saturday, we're heading back up to Gatlinburg!  I can't wait!  Spending the Fourth of July there was magical last year and I know it's going to be just as awesome this year.


  1. Thank you. Have a wonderful time in Gatlinburg! Love it there.

  2. Fun quote for today. Thank you! (I also like reading about your adventures !)

  3. Love the sentiment today. I do believe it will find it's way to my SIL's birthday card. Thanks so much for sharing. I hope your workshop is fun!

  4. Love it! Thank you so much for this word-art :o)
