Tuesday, September 27, 2016

8 years!!!!!

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This month marks my 8 year blog-o-versary!  I am amazed that I'm I'm still here and shocked that you guys are too!

Like, seriously, we've got problems if you find my life interesting!  LOL!

I'll be back in a couple of days to give a gift card to someone to leaves a comment here telling me how totally awesome I am for sticking with this for 8 full years!  Comment away.....


  1. Lol - I follow you because of your wacky humour - its so hard to attract those sort of people to you bodily - so online baby is the way for me. Seriously though 8 years and you can still make me laugh, groan and cry - love you heaps. Xxxx

  2. Congratulations!
    Keep us happy and surprised us every day.
    Your posts are like the sun and air
    for every living creature!
    Thank you.

  3. Awesome, aWesome, awEsome, aweSome,awesOme, awesoMe, awesomE, AWESOME. (One for every year!) And thank you for all the word art along the way!

  4. Congrats love! Your witty sense of humor is what drew me to you and your wordart. Your dedication to your students and love of life is what kept me coming around. I'm honored to call you friend. We're glad you're still here and hope to see you blogging for a LONG, LONG time!
    Love ya!

  5. Good work! We share a sense of humor, so I always check your blog for a laugh. I've been following for a few years, but wish I found you sooner! Best of luck in all you do!

  6. I only recently found you through another cardmaker who uses your slightly wacky sentiments. I wish I had found you sooner since I know I am missing a lot of your "wisdom"LOL! Here's to another 8 years of adventures. Always fun to read!

  7. Seriously 8 years! I love your life. I love your adventures, your sense of humor, your compassion for others and of course your books you wrote. I look forward each day to see what has happened with you. It's good to know we are all normal in this world.

  8. WOW! That's amazing! A huge congrats and undying thanks for the inspiration. Here's to 8 more. xxD

  9. I found you a short 4 years ago, or so. But it has been a hilarious ride. Love seeing your beautiful photography and reading your humorous stories. Oh and the word art isn't half bad either. LOL!!

  10. Congratulations! Love getting your blog feeds in my mailbox 'cause your quirky sense of humour and great word art make me smile (and are often so relevant to my life lol). Here's to 8+ more!

  11. Not only is this funny, it's oh, so, true! Congrats on 8 years of blogging, Ginger, and an additional congrats to everyone who's been following your antics for that long, too. I've only been around since 2011 so I'm not quite as crazy as the rest of them, right? :-D

  12. We're twins! I'm celebrating eight years on October 2nd! Love reading your blog, hope you never stop!!!

  13. Wow 8 years. (I don't even blog)! Love your sense of humor and relate to way to many of them! Thanks for sharing. I miss your adventures when you go missing!

  14. Congratulations for 8 years!! English is not my mother tongue but you make me sooo often laugh with your wordarts and your "life storys" (sometimes I must read it twice to understand it all ;}) and share your wonderful Photos, it is beautiful. Thank you for it!!

  15. Are you kidding??? can hardly believe it!! I love your funny musings, your sense of humor and the way you share your "adventures" each day - Thanks so much!!

  16. The only thing I regret is not finding your blog sooner!!

  17. Hey Ginger, Congratulations on you Blog~o~versary Has it been 8 years already.... WOW! What a ride. I know I don't post often but lady you are 1 tough nut. Cud-dos for all you do for everyone. It takes a special person to be a teacher and even more special if the children really love them... My hat is off to you. I love your photos of everywhere. I get to travel without leaving home ;-) And I love you humor and energy. Wish you could bottle it and make a living at that. Ha! Happy Blog Anniversary I look forward to reading as long as you decide to share.
    XO Nana
    PS Don't add me to the draw for the card. I just wanted to wish you a happy day.

  18. We're here cos we're all nutters!!

  19. Congrats Ginger - I will never abandon you! You are my all time fave sorce of snarky and funny sentiments. Thank you for your quick wit and your wonderful stories about your job and croc man!


  20. Happy 8-year blog anniversary! Way to go! I enjoy your blog very much! And, yes, I find your life very interesting! I also enjoy your sense of humour! Your word art is fun and funny and I like to come here for a smile! Wishing you many more years of fun and successful blogging!

  21. My cousin Vinny still has your back kiddo -- here's to 8 more glorious years of entertainment
