Sunday, September 25, 2016

I'm back.....again!

Download word art here

Fonts used:  Daydreamer & Sketchy Times

I know, I know, I disappeared on you guys again.  SORRY!!!  It's been a long couple of weeks and I've been fighting a sinus infection.

That's right, the weather hasn't even gotten cold and I'm already sick.

Speaking of the weather, would someone please tell me why it hasn't gotten cold yet?  I live in Tennessee now!  I shouldn't still be dealing with 90 degree temperatures at 5 PM!

Seriously, people, I'm ready for a snow day!


  1. I love your BLOG and I especially love all the sentiments, quips, quotes. I feel as if you could quite possibly be my Sister from another Mister!!
    Now onto my question/query: Is there anyway you can add a search function by keyword? I know you have to have some coffee stuff in here somewhere but sadly I have not had enough coffee this morning to find it

  2. Welcome back and glad your feeling better

  3. Glad to see you back! It is still hot here in SC, too! Thank you for all the word art!

  4. Come to New Hampshire, I guarantee you will freeze your butt off right now!

  5. Welcome back Ginger! Hope the nasty sinus thing goes very soon.Thanks for these cool freebies,I especially love the Flawless one,you're so clever.xx
