Sunday, September 11, 2016

I'm a horrible blogger!

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So, here I am saying I'm sorry again.  How long are you guys going to allow me to use my move as an excuse for not blogging the way I should? 

If it helps, it's not just the move.  It's the new job, too.  I had no idea that teaching PreK would be so exhausting!  It's fun and awesome and...oh so exhausting!


  1. I can totally understand. You will adjust in time though. Enjoy those precious little ones!

  2. I've been teaching at a prek/Kindergarten for the last 13 years. It is very rewarding and exhausting. You even need any ideas for themes - Let me know! :-)

  3. Your entertaining blog is a privilege to read. Don't apologize for taking your precious time and selflessly entertaining us. Gosh new house and new job. Do you know those are two of the most stressful things to happen in life, along with divorce, birth and death. I think you picked the good ones. Hugz
