Saturday, October 8, 2016

Sweet, Sweet Vacation!!!

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I made it!  I'm on vacation!  I'm so excited!

I'll be spending today doing boring things like sleeping and laundry and last minute errands.  Sunday, I'll be sleeping and packing and teasing everyone I've ever met that has to get up and go to work on Monday.   On Monday we go to Arkansas and I seriously hope there are some beautiful fall colors to see!

Check out my newest friend.....

He was sent to me by my Redditgifts Gnome exchange Santa.  I LOVE him!!!  We just may have to take him to Arkansas with us because I don't know if I want to leave him home all alone.  I mean, I'm sure he'll fine.  He wouldn't throw any wild parties or anything like that, but I don't want him to get lonely or scared because he's all by himself. 


  1. Oh Oh Oh! I LOVE your Gnome!!! Where can I get one? He can stay with me while you're on vacation. Hope you have a fantastic time.

  2. Great sentiment, Ginger and I've had way too many of those "Socks" days and not enough diamond jewelry days. :-D I promised to send you a link to the blog post when I got a card done using one of the images I got on Etsy with the gift certificate. It can be seen here:
    Thanks again. :-D

  3. Yes he should go on holiday with you - what beautiful pictures will he star in? Have a great safe holiday xx

  4. Yep! I've had quite a few "socks" recently, but your Gnome is the bestest I've ever seen, he is WONDERFUL, no wonder you want to take him with you.
