Tuesday, October 11, 2016

We have arrived!

Download word art here

Font used:  Skater Girls Rock

***Come back tomorrow for the "brother" version of this word art!***

We're in Arkansas, y'all!  I just feel bad that we forgot Gilbert at home.  Gilbert, is the name I decided to give to my new gnome friend.  I mean Gilbert is just one of those first names that's so uncool it's cool.  Gilbert, fits him perfectly!

When I realized that we forgot him, I wanted to turn around and go back but mean old OCG wasn't having any of that.  I let him know that it was going to be all his fault if we get home and walk into a scene from Home Alone!

Yeah, it's a good thing I never actually had children of my own!  I mean I forgot my hippie gnome! Who knows what I would do with an actual child!

Anyway, here are a couple of pictures for you from The Natural Bridge...



  1. Gilbert will not be impressed with you! Great photos. Thank you for the word art.

  2. Again right on target!
    /Now, when we have to sell our parents apartment./
    Thank you and
    Good luck!

  3. Thanks for the word art, I'll have to come back for the brother one.
    Love the photos, the last two are my favorites.

    Don't worry, real children are slightly noisier than gnomes (as you very well know as a teacher!) That gnome must be the cutest/coolest I've ever seen.

    If you can come to northern NH this time next year, you will possibly see the greatest all time autumn leaf display. If you can handle the chill, you can camp out on my land, there is plenty of room (6 acres) and a nice outside "facility", and a stream and woods, and stuff (how discriptive!). (I'm the scarecrow lady.) Just send me a note (if you still have the postcard) and I'll give directions.
    Don't you just love parenthesis? And spelling?

  4. Gorgeous pics Ginger,it looks stunning there!I love your gnome too (and I'm not usually a fan of gnomes) Gilbert suits him;-)
