Sunday, December 18, 2016

Why is it so complicated?

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Friday was a half day at school, which was awesome.  By the time the students left, I was feeling pretty bad.  I was all stuffy and my throat was a little sore.

As soon as I got home, I put on my jammies and crawled into bed to watch TV.  By 7 PM I had turned the TV off and fallen to sleep.  I didn't wake up again until 7 AM Saturday.  12 wonderful hours of sleep!

By 10AM, I was back in bed and napped until 2 PM.

When I woke up from my nap, I started thinking that maybe I was a little sicker than I thought.

I ran out to the drugstore to pick up something for the stuffiness and overall yucky feeling.  The girl working the counter yelled out to the pharmacist, "She wants some Claritin!"  He then stopped what he was doing to come over and question me about my symptoms and whether or not I had high blood pressure.

I wanted to tell him that I didn't have high blood pressure until he started questioning me!  I was a good girl though and didn't.

Seriously, why can't I just buy Claritin without having the people in the drugstore giving me the third degree or staring at me like I'm sort sort of drug addict?


  1. Get well soon.
    I don't go to our chemist for the same reason confidentiality and the third degree about my allergies!
    Keep warm and sleep well.

  2. Oh I hope you feel much better soon! Not nice and especially right on Christmas,saying a prayer now for you Ginger.XX

  3. We worked so hard to get it over the counter for years and now, due to the druggies, it is back over the counter. You also can't buy cold and allergy meds for my family because of our size and the federal gov't limit. I have to space it out or it gets reported.
