Sunday, January 22, 2017

Give me some ideas!

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Font used:  Harrington

OK, guys, I survived the longest 4 day week in the history of the world and I'm ready to think about a vacation.  My friend Susan and I have planned our spring break trip and we are headed to Williamsburg, Virginia in March.

Actually, her husband was booking our trip for us and he said that we would get more for our money if we traveled a few days earlier than we were planning.  So, we will head to Portsmouth on March 9 and stay in a hotel there for three nights before moving to our time share rental for 5 more nights.  He said that he found better plan tickets for these days and we could use the money we saved on airfare to spend the extra nights in Portsmouth.  He hasn't let us down let, so we went with it!

I haven't been to Williamsburg since right after college when I went for a weekend and Susan has never been.  So, where should we go and what should we do in Portsmouth and/or Williamsburg?  We'll have a rental car and aren't afraid to travel, so any day trip ideas are welcomed too.


  1. Thanks for the word art Ginger. Can't help you out with any suggestions as I live in NZ and never been to either of those places (never been to the US!). Hope someone is able to offer you some great suggestions and that you have a good vacation.

  2. I've not been there in years, but loved Williamsburg. Have fun whatever you do! Thank you for all your word art!

  3. Would love to tag along - I know you two will have a great time. Thanks for the great word art!

  4. Ginger, go see Yorktown and do the tour of the battleground - wonderful history!!

  5. If you like history, both of those places have lots of historical tours available, but it might be cold in early March so check the weather there. I went last time in winter and could not believe how cold it was for those outside tours. I don't know how those early settlers survived that weather!!!
