Monday, May 1, 2017

I'm back!

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I'm back and I've missed you all bunches! 

I'm sorry I stayed away for so long with no word, but life was moving at an extremely fast rate for the last month or so and I was just overwhelmed.  Most things have been great, but some weren't and I just needed to take a little break to deal and breathe.

I love you all for your comments and emails and again, I'm sorry I didn't respond.  Please know, that you were able to make me smile on the not so great days and I am forever grateful for that!  I owe you guys more free word art than I'll ever be able to produce!

I actually have the missing word art from my little bloggy break, but I think I might change the dates on them and give to you in the future instead of back posting.  That will may my life just a little easier for now.  I hope that's OK with you guys!

On a bright note, this school year is almost over!  May 26th is the last day!

On a "What the hell was I thinking" note, I signed up to teach summer school.  OK, I know what I was's almost $6,000 extra dollars!  I started planning my fall, Christmas and spring vacations as soon as I saw the amount.  LOL!

Luckily, this isn't normal "summer school".  It's a first time program initiated by our superintendent and once a week we're going on a fieldtrip.  YAY!

Anyway, I may regret it later, but I know my bank account will still thank me!


  1. Welcome, back Ginger, hope all has settled and is well again. Good luck with your summer school and thank you for the word-art.... have a wonderful week... Megan

  2. you made my day today knowing you are fine have a wonderful week

  3. Just happy to see you again! You owe us absolutely nothing. :) Just nice to see YOU!!!

    Summer school will be great!

  4. Hooray, Ginger is back!! I have missed your daily inspiration!! Hope everything is getting back to normal for you - brave woman to teach summer school. Although, my grandson is in a special program taking high school course this summer and we never thought about a teacher giving up her summer vacation so he could get into this program - thanks for reminding us!

  5. Thank goodness you're ok - I've been so concerned. One day at a time sweetie - that's all we can do. Hang in there.

  6. Lovely to see you back Ginger!

  7. So glad to have you back Ginger,really missed you ! Hope all goes well with your summer school :o)

  8. I am so happy to wake up at 3 am before getting ready for work & see your post, happy to know you are well. The added bonus the WA. The extra mile will pay off for you with summer school....ENJOY what ever vacation you choose!!!!!

  9. Glad to see you back! Hope your summer school goes by quickly so you can enjoy the vacations! Hugs, Robin

  10. So relieved to hear that you are ok and I was so excited to see the email today. Funny how we all come to rely on the little smile in the inbox :-) Looking forward to the stories of summer school... and hope you get a mini vacay before school starts again in the fall to recover! No worries about the word art... I know we all love your word art, but I suspect we all love your stories just as much, if not more!!! LOL

  11. Welcome back - now my comment on your second post looks silly because I'm working my way backwards so I hadn't seen this one.

  12. Welcome back!
    And Thank you!
    My card:

  13. Yes, welcome back! Please do not feel guilty about changing the dates on the posts that you have. We welcome them anytime! I was afraid that we'd lost you. My daughter has taught special one week sessions of summer school for 3rd & 4th graders for several years. She says it helps her appreciate her high school students! :) She's actually taking this summer off, which will be a nice break.
    Good luck with the rest of the year and enjoy your summer.
