Sunday, May 14, 2017


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OK, I'm not going to complain in this update!

Check out this photo Sebastian's mom posted a couple of days ago.....

The picture on the bottom right is from his first day of Kindergarten.  The day I was lucky enough to become his teacher!  The picture on the top is from his last day in Kindergarten and the picture on the left was taken on the day of his fifth grade graduation.

He's as cute and amazing as ever!  This year he wrote a play and the Disney Dreamers program hired actors and produced it.  He wrote a play!  Disney made sure people got to see it performed!  My heart is full!


  1. This has made me cry with happiness. He is such a superstar!
    Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. How talented he is! That is wonderful!!! :)

  3. How far he has come is amazing and to have written and play AND had it produced and played WOW your heart should be happy xx
