Tuesday, July 25, 2017

If you could see me now...

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I spent Monday in my class setting up furniture.  It was exhausting and hot because the AC was out when I first got there.  I really needed to be there though, so I put up with the heat.

My assistant is having surgery and probably won't come back to school until the end of September and I'm dealing with some issues in my own life that may cause me to take some time off.  So, I'm doing everything I can to get ahead of the the game.  That's a hard thing to do when you don't even have students yet and you already feel like you're behind.  LOL!

Anyway, I came home looking like a drowned rat and it was not a pretty sight!

Once I got home, I made the mistake of pulling out the vacuum thinking I may as well run it through the house before I showered and changed clothes.  Well, the first time I pulled the vacuum back toward me the handle that hasn't been right since we moved actually came off.  That's right, go ahead and picture that....Me standing there with a vacuum handle in my hand that is not connected to the vacuum that is sitting still with the motor still running.  LOL!

So, I investigate and realize that the screw holding the handle in place has come out and the little thingy that keeps the screw from coming out is completely gone.  That's why it hasn't been right in a long time.  LOL!

Anyway, I still needed to vacuum, so I put the handle down and continued using the vacuum without the handle.  I swear, it looked like I was using a kids toy!  You should have seen me!  LOL!


  1. That was just too funny picturing it in my head. I come to your site first thing every morning. You make my day!
    I love that your a teacher. You and so many like you are what our next generation is all about. I applaud you.
    My granddaughter just graduated from college magna cum lade with a degree in early childhood development and is trying so hard to get a teaching job but everywhere she applied they want someone with experience. How in the world can you get experience if no one will hire you? Right now she is working at a preschool and still applying for a teaching job.

  2. Thank you...love this sentiment!

  3. LMAO! Oh my! That is dedication to vacuuming. Do you by chance remember the font you used? I love it. Thinking this would be great on my anniversary card to hubby!

  4. Oh hon! What a day you've had. Remember that no matter what you're facing, we've got your back. Hugs (and stay cool if you can)
