Tuesday, August 22, 2017

No cure from the aliens

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Well, the eclipse came and went and I didn't see a single alien!  It was rather disappointing!

So, I've still got the nasty cough and the AC was out in our building and that didn't help much.

It's going to be a long week.....

Monday, August 21, 2017


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OK, so the antibiotics are starting to work, but I still don't feel so well.  I have coughed so much and so hard that my entire rib cage hurts.  Seriously!  Has that ever happened to you?

The doctor said that the cough would probably last about three weeks.

I may not survive!

If the aliens come with the eclipse, I hope they bring a cure!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

One week and already on antibiotics

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Officially, I'm being treated for an ear infection.  Unofficially, the doctor said that the medicine should also help to clear up the stuffy yuckiness which help with the cough.

One week with kids and I'm already a hot mess!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Don't take me so seriously.....

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I absolutely love that you guys look out for me, but I promise that my meeting wasn't that important and that I wore regular old khakis instead of fancy or smarty pants.

I got a couple of interesting emails letting me know that you guys were worried.  It's good to know that I'm loved and that you guys have my back!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

I need to dress appropriately.....

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What should I wear to a meeting that I need to attend and will have lots to say while I'm there, but that I'm not really excited about.  Smarty or Fancy?

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Teacher tired!

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You know school has started again when you lie down for a quick Saturday afternoon nap and wake up 4 hours later!  LOL!

I haven't even had my students for a full day yet and I'm already worn out.  Monday should be fun!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The things we take for granted.....

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You guys already know that Sebastian is and will always be my hero.  Here's another example of why!

Think about this morning when you got dressed.....Did you struggle?  Did you celebrate after you finished?  Sebastian did and it's amazing.....

(It's going to be really embarrassing if the video doesn't play)

I am so proud of this kid! 

Monday, August 7, 2017

My exciting weekend...

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OK, I have three more days of  training before two half days of students and here's how I spent my final weekend.....

I worked at school for 7 hours on Saturday

Seriously!  I need to get a life!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

I'm so good that.....

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OK, it's been a long tiring week!

I've got another "Ginger" story that I should catch you up on though.  I checked the mail box one day recently and found an interesting looking envelope addressed to me.  I opened it up and saw a couple pictures of the rental car we took to Gatlinburg over the fourth of July.  I was a little confused!

Then I realized that it was a speeding ticket!  That's right one of those stupid helicopters that fly around around checking for speeders caught our rental car going 12 miles over the speed limit and I got a ticket.

One of the pictures was of the whole car on the road and the other was a close up of the tag number.

Now, here's the best part.....I wasn't even driving!  The date and time were on the photos and OCG was driving!  I promise he was!

They used the pictures to trace the tag back to the rental company who let them know that I had rented the car  (The only reason the rental was in my name was that I was the one who was available to pick the car up before we left) and they sent me a speeding ticket in the mail. 

That's right people, I'm so good that I can get a speeding ticket when I'm not even driving!

FYI.....OCG owes me $50!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

The final weekend...

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Well, meeting #2 wasn't nearly as much fun as meeting #1.  So, I have no fun things to show you.

Meeting #3.....well, I didn't quite make it to that meeting.  I was having a rough morning and it was raining and it wasn't really required...so, I just crawled back into bed.  LOL!

The good news is that my pictures from the first meeting seem to be showing now.  At least I can see them.  LOL  Scroll down and check them out.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

meeting #1 over...

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OK, so Wednesday's three hour meeting wasn't what I thought it was going to be.  I knew it was about using IPads in the class, but I had no idea they were going to act like we had never seen an IPad before.  They did and I tuned a lot of it out.....OK, I tuned most of it out!  LOL!

Then the guy gave us an assignment to work on with a partner.  He wanted us to use the Notes App to write notes and import pictures to go with our notes.   We were also suppose to draw or write on one of the pictures.  Seriously, I use notes all the time!  However, I've never added pictures before so at least that was something new.

Once we were finished we had to airdrop our note to the SmartBoard and present them to the whole group.

My partner and I worked well together and our presentation was the best!  No joke, we totally owned that room!  We used Pinterest to get our pictures and waited until the last picture to add our drawing and writing.  We wanted to make sure it had impact!  LOL!

Anyway, here's what we presented to the group...

Awesome, isn't it?  LOL!

You should have seen the look on some of the faces in the room when I announced that I was going to send this to my principal so she could see how hard I was working.  Here is my principal's response...

I wonder what we'll work on tomorrow....

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

It's getting real now...

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For the next three days I will be spending 3 hours a day in meetings/workshops.  I'm not excited about this!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

If you could see me now...

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I spent Monday in my class setting up furniture.  It was exhausting and hot because the AC was out when I first got there.  I really needed to be there though, so I put up with the heat.

My assistant is having surgery and probably won't come back to school until the end of September and I'm dealing with some issues in my own life that may cause me to take some time off.  So, I'm doing everything I can to get ahead of the the game.  That's a hard thing to do when you don't even have students yet and you already feel like you're behind.  LOL!

Anyway, I came home looking like a drowned rat and it was not a pretty sight!

Once I got home, I made the mistake of pulling out the vacuum thinking I may as well run it through the house before I showered and changed clothes.  Well, the first time I pulled the vacuum back toward me the handle that hasn't been right since we moved actually came off.  That's right, go ahead and picture that....Me standing there with a vacuum handle in my hand that is not connected to the vacuum that is sitting still with the motor still running.  LOL!

So, I investigate and realize that the screw holding the handle in place has come out and the little thingy that keeps the screw from coming out is completely gone.  That's why it hasn't been right in a long time.  LOL!

Anyway, I still needed to vacuum, so I put the handle down and continued using the vacuum without the handle.  I swear, it looked like I was using a kids toy!  You should have seen me!  LOL!

Monday, July 24, 2017


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I'm really, really sad right now!

I don't want to go back to school!

My first official day back is July 31, (Seriously, why are we reporting for school when it's still July?) but all this week I'll be in and out of the building  for meetings and workshops.

Where did my summer go?  Where did my summer go and why didn't it take me with it?