Thursday, October 14, 2010

Good, Not Good and Really Not Good

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Know what's good?

Coming home after a long, dreary, rainy day and having a bowl of ice cream before you even think about what you're having for dinner.

Know what's not good?

Being so distracted by your long, dreary, rainy day that you return the carton of ice cream to the refrigerator instead of the freezer.

Know what's really not good?

Having Orange Croc Guy find the ice cream in the frig several hours after you put it there.

LOL! I may never live this one down.

We ordered Chinese for dinner. I really wanted fajitas, but decided not to put up a fight. I was afraid OCG would yell out and tell the cute delivery guy about where I put the ice cream.


  1. LOL, OK, thanks for my laugh of the day!

  2. I haven't actually done that yet but my brother has caught me twice. I put up leftovers in bowls and just left them out on the counter. Usually find them way later. He won't eat left over's anyway so I guess it didn't hurt and kept me from eating it all....LOL. What waste though. However, it is a disaster to leave ice cream in the fridge, especially good ice cream!!! Take care Ginger.
